What is sterilisation?
There are many terms used for sterilisation. Some that you may hear are 'neutering', 'fixing' and 'desexing'.
For females the term is refered to as a 'spay' which is the surgical procedure where the ovaries and uterus is removed.
For males it is called 'castration', in this procedure the testicles are removed.​

Why castrate male dogs?
Eliminate the chance of testicular tumors - this is the most common cancer in mature intact male dogs
Reduced chance of prostate conditions such as cysts and infections
Reduced chance of perianal tumors
Reduced chance of perineal hernias
Decreased aggression (for best effects of this, the castration should take place under the age of 1, preferably by 6 months of age)
Decreased roaming (less chance that your boy will go looking for females in heat)
Increased concentration in dogs (your dog will be less distracted by pheromonal stimulus around them)
Reduced chance of sexually transmitted diseases such as:
Transmittable canine venerial tumors
Canine Herpesvirus​
Why spay female dogs?
Eliminate the chance of pyometra (infected uterus) which is a common condition that is very serious and if left untreated, fatal
Greatly reduce the chance of mammary cancer which is the most common malignant tumor in dogs (The risk of malignant mammary tumors in dogs spayed prior to their first heat is 0.05%. It is 8% for dog spayed after one heat, and 26% in dogs spayed after their second heat)
Eliminate the chance of tumors of the ovaries and uterus
Eliminate your dog going on heat which means it gets more time to spend with you on the couch and on your bed and is less likely to escape in search of a mate
Why castrate male cats?
Eliminate the chance of testicular cancer
Decrease he incidence of spraying
Decrease the urge to roam longer distances
Decrease the chance of abscesses due to less territorial fighting
Decrease the chance FIV and FeLV due to less fighitng
It is now law, so you will prevent yourself being fined if found to be uncompliant
Why spay female cats?
Eliminate the chance of pyometra (infected uterus) which is a common condition that is very serious and often fatal
Reduce the chance of mammary cancer by 40 to 60%, this is the third most common feline tumor
Eliminate the chance of tumors in the uterus and ovaries
Eliminate your cats oestrus cycle which will have her wandering further than normal (increasing chances of accidents), making a lot of noise calling for a mate, and spraying around your house (yes, females spray too)
Decrease the chance FIV and FeLV due to less fighting
It is now law, so you will prevent yourself being fined if found to be uncompliant

Sterilisation is not just beneficial for dogs and cats, it is also very important to sterilise your ferrets, rabbits and guinea pigs.
The biggest benefit for ALL animals, of both genders is that you will prevent breeding and pregnancies.
Our shelters in Western Australia work tirelessly to cope with the large flow of young and old animals that are surrendered to them daily. It is ethically the right thing to do when you sterilise your pets and end their chance of contributing to these numbers.